Litza worked on a range of participatory Animation and film projects gaining funding from the Arts Council, The Lottery fund, and a range of charitable organisations. The work sought to use film to enhance the social inclusion of, and respect for, communities and ideas not represented or misrepresented by mainstream media. The films enjoyed prestigious screenings in West End Cinemas, the NFT, I.C.A. , Tate Modern, the B.B.C. and exhibited in National and International festivals. Due to her award winning work with young offenders and prisoners Litza was invited to be part of a National Consortium to devise training for arts practitioners working with vulnerable and volatile groups.
- 2023 Caring Around the Clock Film created through a series of workshops with Carers from Wiltshire.
- 2022 A New Found Mind Collaborative Moving image work to accompany touring performance. Working with Stroke Embassadors as Part of Rosetta Life’s Brain Odysseys.
- 2020 We Are Moving Residents of Walthamstow Screened Walthamstow Festival, Hidden In Plain Site Exhibition
- 2009 The Magic Scarecrow Latin American Disabled people’s project. Screened Southwark schools and libraries- Totness film festival- Buenos Aires Film Festival
- 2006 Brief Engagement South London Gay mens group- screened London Gay and Lesbian Film Festival – Distribution British Council
- 2005 Aunty Sri Lankan immigrant group – Brief Encounters Short film festival Bristol
- 2004 Change Inside Trainees Reading HM Y.O.I. – Screened by Arts Inside
- 2003 Bully Trainees Huntercombe HM Y.O.I.- The Edge Festival Cambridge
- 2002 Crayz Bromley Youth Group – Screened IMAX Cinema London
- 2002 Loudmouth Trainees Huntercombe HM Y.O.I – Screened IMAX Cinema London
- 2001 Getting There Trainees Huntercombe HM Y.O.I – Screened Tate Modern Awarded 1st prize Koestler award
- 2001 Home Residents mental Health Hostel – Screened ICA London, Westminster film festival
- 2000 Sold Out Bullwood Hall Women’s HM Prison. – Prison screenings nationally
- 1999 2000 Bullwood Hall Women’s HM Prison. – Prison screenings nationally
- 1999 The Four Oxen Eritrean Refugees – Screening Odeon 1 West End, Channel 4 Dope Sheet
- 1998 Tango with Aliens ‘Eclectix’ Youth Competition Winners – Screened NFT London, BBC2